

Sensori IMU supportati

  • InvenSense MPU-9150 single chip IMU.
  • InvenSense MPU-6050 plus HMC5883 magnetometer on MPU-6050’s aux bus (handled by the MPU-9150 driver).
  • InvenSense MPU-6050 gyros + acclerometers. Treated as MPU-9150 without magnetometers.
  • InvenSense MPU-9250 single chip IMU (I2C and SPI).
  • STM LSM9DS0 single chip IMU.
  • STM LSM9DS1 single chip IMU.
  • L3GD20H + LSM303D (optionally with the LPS25H) as used on the Pololu AltIMU-10 v4.
  • L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC as used on the Adafruit 9-dof (older version with GD20 gyro) IMU.
  • L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC (optionally with BMP180) as used on the new Adafruit 10-dof IMU.
  • Bosch BMX055 (although magnetometer support is experimental currently).
  • Bosch BNO055 IMU with onchip fusion. Note: will not work reliably with RaspberryPi/Pi2 due to clock-stretching issues.

Funzionalità dei chip IMU

InvenSense MPU-6050 : giroscopio + accellerometro (6 assi)

InvenSense MPU-9150 : giroscopio + accellerometro + bussola (9 assi)

InvenSense MPU-9250 : giroscopio + accellerometro + bussola (9 assi)

Honeywell HMC5883 : bussola (3 assi)

STM LSM9DS0 : giroscopio + accellerometro + bussola (9 assi)

STM LSM9DS1 : giroscopio + accellerometro + bussola (9 assi)

STM L3GD20H : giroscopio (3 assi)

STM LSM303/LSM303D/LSM303DLHC : accellerometro + bussola (6 assi)

Bosch BMX055 : giroscopio + accellerometro + bussola (9 assi)

Bosch BNO055 : giroscopio + accellerometro + bussola (9 assi)

Risorse utili:

configurazione SDR-AIS-Dongle:


Intervista a Roberto Serrano, capo sviluppatore di Openplotter:

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